Wednesday 10 December 2014

Consumer-based services

Furthermore, an electronic address in the form of EAN no. Customer EAN no must be registered in E-directory to be recognized by all VANS suppliers. The bill submitted in an agreed format. The customer asks to receive bills electronically sends TDC order confirmation to the customer accordingly.

Customer then receives no bills by regular mail. TDC may at any time recharge api freely choose to submit bills to the customer by ordinary mail. If the customer in addition to the electronic bill wish to receive the bill on paper by regular mail, a fee per.

Expense. Bills, the customer receives electronic, have the same effect with regard to including payment, recharge api acceptance and review periods as if they were received by regular mail.

The customer is responsible for regularly checking whether transmitted electronically bill from recharge api TDC after the agreed solution. If the customer has chosen bill via e-mail or bill through TDC's website, the customer by changing the customer's e-mail address and TDC notice.

If transmission of the bill can not be done at the agreed e-mail address, TDC is entitled to charge a fee for of the bill by mail. TDC thereafter consider relevant electronic bill lapsed. The customer can unsubscribe at any time electronic invoicing, after which the customer again receive bills from TDC as regular mail.

Enter into force as soon as possible. Changing the collection interval and immediately pay TDC by contractual or later change the Collection interval including demand payment immediately if there are recharge api reasonable grounds for believing that the customer's payment obligations will not be met on time.

TDC can notably in the following situations change collection interval or demand immediate payment A. The customer has defaulted on its payment obligations under the Agreement or otherwise overdue debt to TDC in connection with another contract. B.

The customer's consumption of is estimated to considerably exceed the corresponding average customer usage of the service or exhibit very significant and sudden increase in the past. C.

The customer is a private customer and have not registered office in Denmark, or the customer's business customer and has no registered office in Denmark, Norway, Sweden or Finland. Customer is registered with an independent credit rating agency or a warning register. E.

Customer's consumption-rate subscription used- in agreement with TDC for the dissemination of traffic for other than the customer or user. Consumption-rate subscription used- in agreement with TDC fixed with accomplices who are not related. G.

The customer has suspended payments, requested negotiations on creditors or debt settlement or bankruptcy proceedings commenced. The collection interval can be basically at the request of the customer changed to the ordinary when the basis for the recharge api revised collection interval has lapsed.

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