Thursday 18 December 2014

Park has almost tripled

Communication and innovation were, with good reason, the engines of these dynamics and on them he founded our civilization. Yet, if we look back, these recharge api changes have paths entirely linear.

And if anything, increased the pace of the progress recorded in the course of history, as we get closer to the present day. Graffiti in the caves, language, writing, decimal numbering, printing trace points distant civilizations sometimes centuries between them.

The more rarefied first, then more frequent, to the point that it was enough just a little over a century recharge api to move the whole of humanity in the current era of cyberspace. From the telegraph Morse of 1838 to the birth of the ARPANET, the Internet incubator late fifties, is a succession of discoveries that have changed our old world:

From the telephone to radio, television programming, from the transistor to the optical fiber and satellites, enabling communications from continent to continent and making the world smaller.

We feel that it has come a long way, but also perceive to recharge api have still so much ahead, knowing that the hypothetical point of arrival is nothing but a horizon that seems to move ever forward.

We can not but wonder how it was possible that science and  technology, communication and innovation have been able to gradually take on the rapid growth that recharge api characterizes them today. Alvin pointed to this as the Third Wave, after that of hunting and agriculture and the industrialization before then.

A Third Wave born with cybernetics sixties and characterized by large scientific and technological innovations that followed. But if we quantify the three waves in which has divided the history of man, emerges the imbalance time of each of them: the first deals with the 99.8% of human history, the second 0, 19%, finally the third, the one we are experiencing, a mere 0.01%.

We feel that the linearity of the story is turning into another dimension, that of cyberspace, which is not only a recharge api new model of society: it is also a state of mind in which the rate of change can only be read by a far more complex, different, compared to those of the past.

The concept of speed (which indicates a constant motion, then static), which was subsequently joined to recharge api acceleration (such as the rate of increase of the speed), is now below that of the rate of increase of acceleration, by the exponential development.

Well, the technologies of cyberspace are shifting the history of man from a linear and continuous progression to a non-linear and discontinuous indicating recharge api widely as the world in which we live will never be the same.

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