Wednesday 17 December 2014

The wide use of technology

When asked about the use of internet on mobile phones was first produced in 2003, the overall proportion of Swedes in recharge api general utilized Internet Mobile only six percent (about once a month or more often).

The proportion increased slightly following year but had increased five fold by 2009, a year when 20 percent used the Internet on mobile phones every week. New Use in mobile can nowadays be done in a variety recharge api of ways.

Evidence suggests that novelty use in mobile occurs primarily in the form of news sites and news applications designed for mobile. However, it may also take the form of RSS feeds, podcast, radio, as well as through messages as well as e-mail, such as SMS, MMS and tweets (messages via micro-blog Twitter).

In the 2011 SOM survey asked the Swedes if they access news from radio, television, morning and evening papers in mobile. The results suggest that, to a lesser extent turning to recharge api radio and mobile TV for news in comparison with morning and evening papers.

One explanation is reasonably related to the different interfaces and forms of media. Newspaper Companies' news sites and apps supplies primarily text-based news stories, albeit that initiatives such as Göteborgs-Posten focus on voice synthesis to be announced, then this has enabled listening to the articles.

For TV and radio operators are news publication however mainly focused on video and audio. The conditions to receive news in text, video and audio are different, and much indicates that the text-oriented novelty use in mobile suits well for quick updates of what you would call everyday life slits.

In the following analyzes the recharge api rising weekly and daily use of the internet and mobile news that occurred from 2005 to 2011. The general results of SOM surveys are reported in Figure 1.

As for novelty use in mobile, so the total percentage of users in Sweden seven percent in 2005, and since then there has been a continual increase. This increase was recharge api initially quite modest, but has recently become increasingly powerful, both in terms of the use of news that Internet Mobile.

It should be noted that while there was an intensification of use, which involves, among actual users as increased frequency in use. In 2011 there was a significant breakthrough compared to previous years.

A year when the total proportion of users of the Internet on recharge api mobile phones reached 44 per cent and the corresponding figure for mobile news was 37 percent.

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