Thursday 18 December 2014

Intended to be less noticeable

The messages, personal communications, commercial information of emerging markets had to travel from one place to another, while notions, research and recharge api knowledge needed to be kept in time to be further enriched and to be transferred to the next generation.

The advent of the use of movable type and the printing control overturned centuries of knowledge, providing the foundation for a first mass diffusion of knowledge and thus contributing to the open society of the new boundaries and the first free movement of goods.

And so the discovery of Gutenberg texts moved from transcripts of recharge api the scribes to the paper that came from China. The discovery of the new world, the development of science and the arts were the cause and effect of the great development of that time.

Here lie the roots of modern globalization: the great discoveries, the first mass transfer of new crops and new cultures from one continent to another. In parallel, one of the hallmarks of the strongest world we live in than the one in which our ancestors lived is given by our recharge api collective ability to build increasingly complex instruments.

If we look at the processes of innovation, the history of man has always been marked recharge api by the introduction of instruments that have consolidated the ways of living and traced the paths of civilization. So it was the era of hunting and.

So was the next age of agriculture, accompanied by the first breeding activity and subsequently the birth of the first markets. With the industrial revolution and the horsepower occurred before the acceleration of growth, but still in a context devoid of mature relationship between science and technology.

Most strategic innovations in the textile industry of the time derived from the processing of instruments already in use, rather than by the systematic study of scientific theories: the loom operated water, for example, was invented by a barber Preston, while the spinning jenny was developed by a hand weaver of Lancashire.

It took another several decades, because the transport revolution, the transformation of economic recharge api structures, increased productivity, the emergence of international competition the birth of the first research laboratories and because these are before the romantic figures of ingenious inventors, to replace them in the space of a few seasons.

Finally, with the century that has just closed recharge api is realized a complete overlap between science and technology, but with a constant. If we look at the arc and the pulley, the compass and the glasses, the typeface and the mobile to the steam engine, and the elevator to the asphalt.

Steel structures and for the atomic bomb, we only have a small example of inventions whose impact went far beyond the purposes for which they were intended: the chain of political and economic upheaval in the systems has had a much greater impact than that produced by the use that it was intended to do.

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