Wednesday 17 December 2014

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The difference between the users of these features is that social media is widespread among adolescents and young adults, while the news is used more extensively among middle-aged, well-educated recharge api and business subscribers.

Otherwise, feels previous year patterns recharge api of news and the internet in mobile again in terms of how different groups of Swedes use these features.

When the results for 2011 compared to 2010, it is clear that the proportion of users increased substantially among the holders of the smart phone, albeit not quite as much in a relative sense among the public.

This involves the use already in 2010 were significantly more prevalent among the holders of the smart phone compared to others, which it continues to be so in 2011. However, when recharge api looking to use among those who do not have it may be noted that the percentage of users in principle is the same in 2011 as in 2010 for news, social media and TV/ VCR.

When it comes to searching for information and using e-mail, there have only been a more marked increase in this population. The mobile has in recent years been transformed from being a telephone used for interpersonal communication to become a personal and portable apparatus with computer properties.

The results presented in this article suggest that the mobile phone as seriously gained a foothold in the Swedes' everyday lives. Just over one in five Swedish now use their mobile phones every day to search for information, using social media and checking e-mail.

The differences between groups are large, but the trend points consistently towards more and more increasing their use of these features, which also applies to recharge api news use. With a good mobile can now do basically the same things on the Internet through a computer, but also do things the other way.

With the rapid growth of mobile applications, there has also been several other possible applications, such as personalized services for information that utilizes the phone's camera and GPS. Because mobile is both personal and portable, and can also be used regardless of time and place, there are great opportunities for new kinds of patterns in media use.

In this light, it becomes increasingly important to study how Swedes use of mobiles evolve over time, not least in relation to the use of other media. Evidence suggests that the Swedes are increasingly becoming constantly updated and connected by combinations of computer, mobile and media plate.

For the tabloids, for example, the proportion who regularly use computers and mobile reproduce it in 2011 (chapter in this volume). That mobile recharge api has created opportunities for new application's means that the behaviors that emerge may well complement to replace the use of other media.

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