Showing posts with label mobile recharge best. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mobile recharge best. Show all posts

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Relating to customer

TDC is entitled to charge for the additional costs involved. TDC by contractual recharge api or later require advance payment of the subscription fee for the agreed period of, see. Payment is in Danish kroner.

On delayed payment TDC eligible to levied ve interest from the due date until payment is made, and otherwise in accordance with the Act on Interest. TDC is also entitled to've fee levied by sending reminders.

TDC is entitled to the same bill to charge contracts for other telecommunications services offered by TDC and for other services, including services provided by third parties, where TDC handles the collection on their behalf.

May, after informing the customer accordingly allow third parties, recharge api including other companies in the TDC group, perform the collection of payment for services covered by these terms and other services provided by TDC.

If the customer only partial pay a bill containing several claims without specifying what payment concerns, amortized payment proportionately on the individual claims.

Electronic bill customer may choose to receive bills electronically. If the customer elects to receive bills electronically, the following provisions apply: If the customer is a private customer or small business customer, see.

The customer can choose between four types of electronic bill: Invoice via email: TDC shall send the bill to the customer by e-mail to the e-mail address, as agreed with the customer, see.

Section bill attached to the email as a PDF file. Bill through TDC's website: TDC forward notification to the customer via e-mail, when the electronic bill is available on TDC's website. The email sent to the email address, as agreed with the customer, see.

Section customer gets access to the electronic bill of TDC's website by creating access to electronic self-referred. Customer data exchange with TDC via the website shall be encrypted through a secure connection.

On the website, the customer can access both tariff divided expense as itemized bill. Billing via: TDC shall forward the bill to the customer via the customer's, see. Terms of Use found on.

TDC recommends the customer via sign up notifications via email when there are new messages in the customer's e-box. If the customer is recharge api the corporate but not less- the customer may by agreement with TDC choose between four types of electronic bill.

Invoice via email: TDC shall send the bill to the customer by e-mail to the e-mail address, as agreed with the customer, see. Bill submitted in an agreed format. Invoice via EDI: TDC recharge api delivers the bill through the so-called VANS network. EDI requires that the customer has recharge api a connection to a VANS provider.

Collection with shorter

If relocation results in change of phone number, circuit- race number or other identification number shall pkt. Analogy. If a move requiring new configuration of any router, see. TDC is entitled to charge separately for this. If it is not technically possible to supply connection to TDC's public telecommunications network at the new installation address, see.

Section.are terminated the subscription agreement. Prices TDC fixes prices for services pursuant to the subscription agreement, see TDC can charge connection charge, subscription fee and consumption tax. In addition.

TDC can charge fees and specific fees for additional services and lump sum benefits etc. Information on the then-current list recharge api prices and discounts are available on TDC's website or by contacting TDC.

Payment Charges under the agreement is done by sending a bill specifying a payment deadline. Payment length of the period depends on the chosen method of payment. The customer can choose to receive bills electronically, see.

The customer is corporate TDC is recharge api entitled to charge a fee per recharge api billing. Issued bill. This does not apply to small business customers see. Customer must pay his bill as follows.

If the customer is a private customer, the customer must pay the bill via Automatic Card Payment, see. Additional Terms of Automatic Card Payment. If the customer's business customer, the customer must pay the bill by direct debit or by using the payment slip. If the customer is less corporate, see.

The customer shall be obliged to pay the bill by direct debit. Private customers or small businesses, see. Who have elected to receive bills electronically, see. Can alternatively pay via internet banking payment slips.

If the customer wants to pay in ways other than those mentioned above, TDC is entitled to charge a fee per payment. Issued bill. Size depends on the chosen method of payment. If payment is made by direct debit, clear information regarding the calculation of the output.

From the customer's bank or Nets A/ S (formerly PBS), unless the customer has chosen to receive bills electronically, see. Creating tax levied in connection with the award of the contract. Subscription fees will be charged from the time of delivery, see.

Section., and the collection is usually done quarterly in advance. User fees, other fees charged backward, usually quarterly. TDC may, in accordance with applicable regulations make the recovery of duties and fees, for example, mistakenly not charged earlier.

At the request of the customer, TDC can emit intervals than a quarter. For certain services with fixed installation include monthly bill only consumption recharge api settlement.

Consumer-based services

Furthermore, an electronic address in the form of EAN no. Customer EAN no must be registered in E-directory to be recognized by all VANS suppliers. The bill submitted in an agreed format. The customer asks to receive bills electronically sends TDC order confirmation to the customer accordingly.

Customer then receives no bills by regular mail. TDC may at any time recharge api freely choose to submit bills to the customer by ordinary mail. If the customer in addition to the electronic bill wish to receive the bill on paper by regular mail, a fee per.

Expense. Bills, the customer receives electronic, have the same effect with regard to including payment, recharge api acceptance and review periods as if they were received by regular mail.

The customer is responsible for regularly checking whether transmitted electronically bill from recharge api TDC after the agreed solution. If the customer has chosen bill via e-mail or bill through TDC's website, the customer by changing the customer's e-mail address and TDC notice.

If transmission of the bill can not be done at the agreed e-mail address, TDC is entitled to charge a fee for of the bill by mail. TDC thereafter consider relevant electronic bill lapsed. The customer can unsubscribe at any time electronic invoicing, after which the customer again receive bills from TDC as regular mail.

Enter into force as soon as possible. Changing the collection interval and immediately pay TDC by contractual or later change the Collection interval including demand payment immediately if there are recharge api reasonable grounds for believing that the customer's payment obligations will not be met on time.

TDC can notably in the following situations change collection interval or demand immediate payment A. The customer has defaulted on its payment obligations under the Agreement or otherwise overdue debt to TDC in connection with another contract. B.

The customer's consumption of is estimated to considerably exceed the corresponding average customer usage of the service or exhibit very significant and sudden increase in the past. C.

The customer is a private customer and have not registered office in Denmark, or the customer's business customer and has no registered office in Denmark, Norway, Sweden or Finland. Customer is registered with an independent credit rating agency or a warning register. E.

Customer's consumption-rate subscription used- in agreement with TDC for the dissemination of traffic for other than the customer or user. Consumption-rate subscription used- in agreement with TDC fixed with accomplices who are not related. G.

The customer has suspended payments, requested negotiations on creditors or debt settlement or bankruptcy proceedings commenced. The collection interval can be basically at the request of the customer changed to the ordinary when the basis for the recharge api revised collection interval has lapsed.