Thursday 18 December 2014

Different penetration rates

We know that the range of repeaters for recharge api mobile phones is a few kilometers, which can cover just the stretch of sea facing the coast. Since at sea are not positioned antennas for mobile phones.

Already less than two miles (one nautical mile recharge api corresponds to 1852 meters, just under km) the signal disappears. However, the RF transmission allow transmitting and receive information: the most used technique.

At least for medium distances, is the VHF transceiver (Very High Frequency) that allows transmissions at distances of over 50 miles, provided that the transmitting and receiving antennas are in visibility, that there are no obstacles between them.

The devices are simple and relatively cheap, but the transmission is unidirectional, as an interlocutor speaks, the other must necessarily listen. Usually communication (here we assume that between a vessel called Dream and professionals in the Marina of) starts tuning the radio to the recharge api frequency of listening to the receiver.

Which in this case is the channel 14, the reported frequency of specific publications, such pilot books, which contain information about ports and harbors. The dialogue takes recharge api place in this way: The step means that the message has ended and expects the answer.

Then the receiver should not speak until you heard that term. You wait about ten seconds, and if there is no answer, the call is repeated. The answer will be: The term forward means that expects to know the reason for the call.

With this exception, every message ends recharge api with a step, while the last communication ends with an over and out. This alternating communication seems to be a limitation;

Actually seems to me a very civilized way to listen and respond after realizing what he wants our interlocutor: in a world where everyone is talking over and the player who cries more, it seems really a wonderful thing!

Then there is a channel, 16, used only for the first call to communicate with anyone who is listening, and then move to another frequency: This rule is very important because the channel 16 is used for emergency calls, on board when someone is sick, or there are security issues, or if the vessel has suffered damage or if the life of the crew is in danger.

In this case the call is done with a formula recognized around the world and valid for aircraft recharge api and ships, Mayday, international radio call for help that comes from the French!

Emerges as a strong indisputable

Failure to comply with the deadline for returning the block will imply Delia SIM, while the return incomplete will imply the charge of the coast of recharge api eventual redemption telephone apparatus also increased.

If recharge api any, of the monthly installments not yet paid. WiII mobile service in use and assigned to the assigned who becomes guardian and responsible for the proper use.

For devices to use the collective will be responsible for using the Manager assegnatario0 responsible Territorial Unit. Assigned will take over the mobile device after signing a declaration of knowledge of the provisions of this Regulation.

In case of theft and shall immediately file a complaint with the competent Authority and next dame timely communication, sending copies of the aforementioned complaint (which will have to contain clear whether the phone number is the device IMEI) Service Informatica0 the structure of reference.

Who will have to disable the phone number and to block the 'mobile device in recharge api question by its manager. L 'assignment of the phone service to place, managing to', the same forms of patrimonial responsibility provided for consignees of goods of 'Administration.

With the recharge api entry into force of this Regulation the Computing Service will conduct a survey of mobile devices currently in use at the national level, and will compile the registry/ Directory National indicating the cell assigned and their assigners. List of phone numbers will be published in the intranet CRI.

Subsequently, the Regional Directors will transmit to the Service Data of the Central Committee, every six months and through certified mail, data regarding the spending, recipients of assignments within the region, and its telephone numbers.

With subsequent by the Computing Service registry/ Directory national. Computer Service and local committees will recharge api operate the same deactivation and/ or withdrawal of utilities not assignable under this Regulation.

Manager II and type of mobile equipment to be supplied to provide personnel for service requirements are determined by the procedures provided by law with regard to the choice of the contractor for the provision of the service and equipment. In this regard, the CRI will use if available conventions activated by.

Purchases of equipment and SIM cards made through other channels, even at the regional level, will still need to ensure compatible costs and not higher than those offered by the conventions. This is the same for contracts recharge api awarded Manager of the Convention but not included in the agreement itself, and for contracts with other managers.

The differences of the values

Internet connections recharge api via mobile devices, either through mobile or through dedicated devices (USB Key) and the use of text messages are only allowed for interest of the administration and execution of activities for 10 working off site. Call transfer from the mobile phone assigned to a private telephone number and allowed only for holders of open-enabled.

In any case, this requires the service will have to be specified in advance. Mobile phone must be enabled and if the technical conditions permit 10, throughout the 'working hours, of the consignee.

The momenta of the allocation of equipment, will also a battery charger, a headset for recharge api normal operation as well as, if necessary, the support kits for use on official cars and any connection systems with information technology equipment.

The proprietor of the 'mobile equipment will have to adopt, in the' use of this instrument, all precautions for individual security. CRI does not assume responsibility for a1cuna contravvenzioni0 claims attributable to improper use of the mobile phone while driving autoveicoli0 other misuse.

Amounts for invoices issued by recharge api telephone service must be personally signed by the owner of the mobile device, in order to certify that the execution of the conversations/ connections being made in accordance with this Regulation.

For the purpose of the expenditure restraint, every frame of reference will have to provide, in compliance with the laws protecting the privacy of personal data, a system of collection of bills for individual devices, making sure to sample the proper use of its users.

Following a request for justification that the phone numbers called, the user will have the names of the recipients of the phone calls, as well as the motivation of the call. The Dirigenti0 makers Territorial Units, which determine the recipients of the devices can at any momenta perform verification on the correct use of the granted.

And/ or withdrawal, also proceeding to recover costs for uses other than those of service. The activities of maintenance of telephone equipment and governed by contract with the manager assigned, providing reference centers, to which the person concerned will have to pay in case of need.

If smarrimento0 of remedial action on 'equipment due to arson0 voluntary, the costs will be charged recharge api to the user within the limits of any relief provided by the contract. The momenta of the cessation of the conditions which gave rise to the delivery apparatus telephone.

The consignee will have to return to the Service Bureau Informatica0 reference territorial entro8 days following, in its packaging recharge api intact and complete with all accessories received. Likewise, in the United competent territorial offices will provide the appropriate changes to be communicated to the Regional Directors.

Wednesday 17 December 2014

Look for the reasons

The network will provide the necessary resources, in line with the service requested, according to the standard radio more suitable to the context of the moment. Technological change also recharge api comes in antenna.

To traditional antennas, now updated recharge api to broadband, will be joined soon antennas smart capable of managing multiple systems, multiple frequencies, different patterns of radiation and even more operators.

The electronics therefore allows compacting space, to reduce consumption and to insert the new standards and in the meantime the antennas tend to become more compact and versatile. Added to this are the agreements of site sharing between operators that for some years sharing existing facilities, creating a virtuous path of economic saving and planning.

All these actions must find their realization in full compliance with the limits of exposure to electromagnetic fields predetermined by law. The time has come, however, in order to make sustainable the inclusion of new technologies, to change the feedback of electromagnetic footprint criteria more closely with what is actually in the field.

If not, you recharge api might have to create a multitude of new base stations with a huge waste of energy and finance (private and public) to accommodate forecast models of exposure to that are not realistic. Earlier we used the motto Internet (mobile) ergo sum to describe the current use of communication networks, tomorrow we should decline it in another way: Tablet Ergo Sum.

In the coming years, the tablet will flood the market and tablet devices will be connected, mobile network, not only to surf the Internet, but also to create the new paradigm of cloud, where the tablet is the enabler to the network and of the computing power and shared memory that is foreshadowing in the cloud.

The revolution of the tablet is still higher than that of smart phones because, in addition to scrap the concept recharge api of, realized the union between the actors ICT ecosystem, the world typical of communications (managers TLC) and over the top (Apple, Google, Amazon) or the world.

Of IT companies that create the recharge api uses and customs of man and society of the third millennium. Fishing liberally from the surrealism of Magritte could then provide a picture of the communications of the future: the apple original is replaced by a tablet, aka the man, and in the background dominates the cloud...

A significant step forward has been a significant step forward was taken with the introduction of cellular systems, which are based on the en ii territory in cells and on recharge api of frequencies: since the antennas transmit low power, a same frequency can be reused several times in locations sufficiently distant from each other.

Something simple and immediate

The path to the peak rate higher, which clearly goes recharge api hand in hand with the increased capacity of the cell, consolidates and disseminates today's user mobile now comparable to the experience on fixed, making reality the mobile broadband.

In short, if for the decade 1995-2005 with the success of GSM the leitmotif of modern technology was Descartes I communicate (mobile) ergo sum, in the following years, thanks to HSPA, the overtaking of the fixed and portable PCs invasion, the adage has become the Internet (mobile) ergo sum.

While the GSM is not retired and UMTS/ HSPA is in full maturity, is emerging in the world of mobile communications, the fourth generation, Long Term Evolution (LTE) that will offer the first version of a speed of 150 Mb/ s and 50 Mb/ s in the sighting in the near future 3Gb/ s in and 700 Mb/ s on the with version (advanced).

The performance of LTE is based on the classic increase in both transmission speed is of capacity, but also on a very high reduction of latency, or the time response of the network to the request of the terminal. This is thanks to a thorough review of the network infrastructure that tends to become completely flat.

Gradually eliminating all intermediate nodes control exist today. LTE differs from 3G in the methodology of access to the radio medium, using OFDMA (now in recharge api vogue in various applications, from digital TV ADSL) and the of the band (ranging from 1.4 to 20 MHz).

Other strategies used in HSPA are now recovered and reinforced, such as modulation techniques and high-capacity radio MIMO (Input Output). LTE is standardized on three different frequency bands 800.1800 and 2600 MHz.

The different ranges disclaim strategy deployment: expanded coverage, guaranteed by the 800 MHz band, with jobs and targets for the reduction of the digital divide, and a more intensive coverage, alongside a hot spot, typical of urban centers, where you will use the high-frequency bands.

All technologies from recharge api 2G to 4G (GSM, UMTS, HSPA, LTE) will be implemented within a single machine (a kind of), with an electronic compaction that allow energy savings of up to 70% with resulting in significant reduction of CO2 emissions. Behind bundling in a single device access technology it denotes the philosophical view of the recharge api network, which will not occur recharge api in a separate recharge api terminal but as a whole.

Write a text message

The difference between the users of these features is that social media is widespread among adolescents and young adults, while the news is used more extensively among middle-aged, well-educated recharge api and business subscribers.

Otherwise, feels previous year patterns recharge api of news and the internet in mobile again in terms of how different groups of Swedes use these features.

When the results for 2011 compared to 2010, it is clear that the proportion of users increased substantially among the holders of the smart phone, albeit not quite as much in a relative sense among the public.

This involves the use already in 2010 were significantly more prevalent among the holders of the smart phone compared to others, which it continues to be so in 2011. However, when recharge api looking to use among those who do not have it may be noted that the percentage of users in principle is the same in 2011 as in 2010 for news, social media and TV/ VCR.

When it comes to searching for information and using e-mail, there have only been a more marked increase in this population. The mobile has in recent years been transformed from being a telephone used for interpersonal communication to become a personal and portable apparatus with computer properties.

The results presented in this article suggest that the mobile phone as seriously gained a foothold in the Swedes' everyday lives. Just over one in five Swedish now use their mobile phones every day to search for information, using social media and checking e-mail.

The differences between groups are large, but the trend points consistently towards more and more increasing their use of these features, which also applies to recharge api news use. With a good mobile can now do basically the same things on the Internet through a computer, but also do things the other way.

With the rapid growth of mobile applications, there has also been several other possible applications, such as personalized services for information that utilizes the phone's camera and GPS. Because mobile is both personal and portable, and can also be used regardless of time and place, there are great opportunities for new kinds of patterns in media use.

In this light, it becomes increasingly important to study how Swedes use of mobiles evolve over time, not least in relation to the use of other media. Evidence suggests that the Swedes are increasingly becoming constantly updated and connected by combinations of computer, mobile and media plate.

For the tabloids, for example, the proportion who regularly use computers and mobile reproduce it in 2011 (chapter in this volume). That mobile recharge api has created opportunities for new application's means that the behaviors that emerge may well complement to replace the use of other media.

Keyboard phone is definitely allow

What power mobile has in this respect varies undoubtedly among different groups, as it changes over time. The next SOM survey and future analyzes will be a continued focus on understanding the main features of the apparent transformation that takes place in Sweden today and it's changing media landscape.

The other day I was having lunch at a friend's house when I took a picture with your smart phone to my daughter Maria Sole while playing with Federico, son of just three years the recharge api couple hosting us. Took the photo, Federico came to me and wanted to see the image.

Then began to join thumb and forefinger and open them on your monitor, all with the ease of a gesture almost innate. I think this anecdote provides much more data and graphics, a forecast on the future: a future lightweight, wireless and everything at a touch.

The behavior of Frederick is the behavior of the new recharge api world that looks to technology, from developing countries to the new generations, where the Internet experience is lived with smart phones connected to the Mobile Network.

If this behavior is daily in Brazil or India, not least the Internet is a mobile experience even in our old Italy, where the growth of users and traffic on the disk is now finished, and continues unabated, in traffic volumes and in the new customers, the mobile component. We are talking about mobile Internet, but let's start dusting off the old GSM.

The reason of the interest still present (and future) is based on the fact that the voice traffic, conveyed almost exclusively on this system, produces about 70% of the revenues of mobile operators.

Today, technology is so mature, reliable and low cost, which in Italy, as well recharge api as in the rest of the world, the demand for mobile phones to the voice continues to grow and no better than the GSM system can satisfy the requirements of economy and stability.

Many activities are focusing again on this system, in particular the reallocation of frequencies in the 900 MHz band. The managers are tightening indeed space for lasciare5 MHz Frequency of place for the frequency UMTS900.

This care slimming Frequency 900 MHz will be compensated by moving a portion of that traffic, no longer sustainable in the narrow band at recharge api about 1800 MHz frequencies. 2G, 3G, 4G, When it was launched at the dawn of the third millennium, the UMTS system proposed a data rate that was up to 384 Kb/ s.

Less than ten years later with UMTS/ HSPA we are ready to see over the air the 42 Mb/ s, a speed a hundred times higher than those offered initially, reached by a series of innovations introduced in the standard (increased encoding schemes, modulations evolved, adaptive recharge api transmission) and the use of the second and third carrier.