Wednesday 17 December 2014

Explain the phenomenon

It is important to note that this apparent use of e-mail in the mobile thus also occurs during both weekly as holidays. Is further noted that the possession of the smart phone is the factor that has the most differentiating the role of Use.

The concept of the smart phone is recharge api commonly used in the vernacular and marketing, but basically both unclear who. On a basic level, a smart phone said to be a mobile phone that is designed to work especially well for Internet-related use by a larger touchscreen.

Has fast processor and software to manage and allows for installation and use of applications tailored to the management of information and communication in mobile. Such mobiles are usually sold with recharge api a subscription where the subscriber pays a fixed price for their data traffic in mobile.

Which previous studies pointed to play an important role for people to feel comfortable using mobile phones creatively for internet-related functions. A study conducted in 2011 recharge api indicated that more than 42 percent of the US population and about 44 percent in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom (EU5) had a smart phone.

The use of Internet services, these were relatively high (Aquino, 2012). However, it is complicated to ask questions about the holdings of the smart phone since not everyone has a clear idea of what this is all about.

In 2010, just over one in five Swedish stated that they had a smart phone and the corresponding figure for 2011 was 38 percent. It's almost a doubling of the recharge api share holders of the smart phone between the two years.

It should be noted that almost six out of ten people jumped over to answer this particular question, which is here interpreted as a sign that they had none. Of course, there could be exceptions to this which is about individuals.

Who have a smart phone without knowing that it is defined as such, which means that the figures are probably somewhat higher. Last year's analysis has shown that the proportion of users of Internet-based phone capabilities is clearly higher among holders of smart phones compared to non-holders.

But that the most marked differences apparent when recharge api one looks at daily use. It is noted that on the whole it is mainly email and information searches are used when it comes to internet-based services for mobile, followed by news and social media.

Hardly helps to understand

Two age groups appear to be significantly more frequent users than the other, in both 2010 and 2011, namely 16-29 year and 30-49 year. 2011 was the use basically atrecharge api the same level in these groups when it comes.

To news and use e-mail, but for others, the proportion of users among clearly greater. It is noteworthy that the proportion of adolescents and young adults who daily use social media on mobile phones increased from 20 to 46 percent.

Which means that nearly half of these Swedes can be said to be constantly connected to social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter via their mobile phones. The use of social media, and other functions, is clearly more limited among 50-64 year and 65-85 year.

It should be noted that the e-mail function gained a foothold in the everyday life of one in five 50-64 year old, who are still of working age, while only six percent of recharge api 65-85 year daily doing so. When it comes to differences depending on the level of education.

It appears, according recharge api to surveys in previous years, the Swedes with the lowest level of education (education) in considerably less extensive use of mobile phones for these purposes, while the level of use is rather similar among others.

As regards the type of subscription you have the use of internet and mobile news for several years been lower among people with in comparison to subscription holders. The difference was particularly pronounced in 2010 than in previous years, probably as a result of the increasing number.

Of those who actually want to use Internet-related services on mobile phones has purchased a subscription with fixed price. When we look at the situation of 2011, found the pattern to recharge api use their mobile for these functions significantly less than the subscription holders, albeit that the percentage increase definitely is extensive.

When it comes to the differences in usage among private and service subscription holders as it has in 2011 been a trend reversal. Regarding social media and TV/ video, which can be said to be oriented towards the private sphere of communication and entertainment.

As is the use nowadays something more substantial among private recharge api subscription holders. Information Retrieval is the use at the same level, while the news is still somewhat higher use among business subscribers.

It's only for e-mail use has remained virtually twice as great among business recharge api subscribers (42%) compared to private subscribers (23%), which suggests that this use is strongly associated with the work.

How the theory of usability

It should be emphasized that in recent years it has been found among recharge api those who actually use the mobile Internet and news so do the majority so on a daily basis. This testifies to the new features in mobile won power in the Swedes' everyday lives.

From figure1 recharge api also shows that the weekly use of the Internet on mobile phones has risen by a few percentage points per year since 2008, while the daily use has increased substantially since 2009.

2011 used more than one in four Swedish its mobile internet on a daily basis, and recharge api a further one in ten Swedish did so every week. This suggests that an increasing proportion of Swedes can be said to be constantly connected via their mobiles.

When we look at the news the use via mobile phone so the trend has been somewhat slower approach compared to the internet via mobile phone, and the hearty breakthrough took place only in 2011.

This year it is 15 percent of Swedes who read the news on mobile phones on a daily basis, and further 13 percent are weekly users. In 2010 and 2011, within the framework of SOM survey also investigated recharge api how Swedes use the cell phone to other Internet-based features.

Communication via calls, SMS and MMS has a long established in the Swedes' everyday lives, and the use of these functions still have a generally higher proliferation compared with the Internet-based features.

International studies indicate that both the communication features such as social media and email have become established in North America, Japan and several European countries. In addition to news, including information features such as search services have increased significantly, especially when it comes to searching for information about retail.

Previous analyzes of recharge api both qualitative and quantitative nature have shown a sort of dichotomy between the use of the traditional functions of interpersonal communication (voice and SMS) and emerging functions (internet access and to produce and see videos).

A so-called Factor analysis based on the 2011 National SOM survey confirms that these two dimensions are also included in this data. The use of the functions of interpersonal communication can be said to be linked as a sort of basic package, while the use recharge api of the Internet-based features constitute a kind of bodywork.

SMS you realize devices

The link between the features of this dimension means that users of a feature probably also use any of the others. Following is therefore an in-depth recharge api comparative analysis about the Swedes' daily use of any such Internet-based functions for information and communication in 2010 and 2011.

Daily use express behaviors that are strongly embedded in everyday life practices. It should be noted that the frequency of this measure is higher than the measurements that are commonly used when talking about the regular use of various traditional mass media.

The communication functions include e-mail and social media (Facebook and Twitter), while data features include news and recharge api information retrieval, but also more entertainment-oriented use of Internet-based TV and video services (such as SVT Play or).

All of these features are also characterized by a relatively wide application via computer, especially e-mail and information retrieval. In table1 are analyzed using these functions into different groups, based on criteria previously proved significant when it comes to mobile use.

As expected, there are marked differences between both 2010 and 2011, and between different types of recharge api functions, as well as between different groups. Initially, we note that the e-mail and TV/ VCR been a doubling of use, for news and social media trebled, while for Information Retrieval been an increase from five to eighteen percent.

Communication activities are somewhat more prevalent when one in five Swedish daily use e-mail and/ or social media via their mobile. It is worth noting that this daily use includes the weekend, which can be interpreted as both private and work-related communication is deeply embedded in everyday routines.

The proportion of daily users of news and information retrieval is only slightly lower, while the figures for a TV/ video show that such use to a limited extent on a daily basis.

As far as usage patterns in different groups was in 2010 almost consistently so that the proportion of men who used cell phone for these recharge api features was twice as large as that of women.

This was true even when you looked at weekly usage and total number of users. Only social media was an exception. These patterns are not found in the 2011 survey. The proportion of males is slightly larger than the proportion of women for news, TV/ VCR and email, but for information retrieval.

The proportions users equal and in terms of social media, it is now more women than men who do this every day. One possible interpretation is that social media serves as a gateway to the regular use of Internet-based functions, which is in line with the conclusion that the use of these functions fall within recharge api a larger, common dimension.

The wide use of technology

When asked about the use of internet on mobile phones was first produced in 2003, the overall proportion of Swedes in recharge api general utilized Internet Mobile only six percent (about once a month or more often).

The proportion increased slightly following year but had increased five fold by 2009, a year when 20 percent used the Internet on mobile phones every week. New Use in mobile can nowadays be done in a variety recharge api of ways.

Evidence suggests that novelty use in mobile occurs primarily in the form of news sites and news applications designed for mobile. However, it may also take the form of RSS feeds, podcast, radio, as well as through messages as well as e-mail, such as SMS, MMS and tweets (messages via micro-blog Twitter).

In the 2011 SOM survey asked the Swedes if they access news from radio, television, morning and evening papers in mobile. The results suggest that, to a lesser extent turning to recharge api radio and mobile TV for news in comparison with morning and evening papers.

One explanation is reasonably related to the different interfaces and forms of media. Newspaper Companies' news sites and apps supplies primarily text-based news stories, albeit that initiatives such as Göteborgs-Posten focus on voice synthesis to be announced, then this has enabled listening to the articles.

For TV and radio operators are news publication however mainly focused on video and audio. The conditions to receive news in text, video and audio are different, and much indicates that the text-oriented novelty use in mobile suits well for quick updates of what you would call everyday life slits.

In the following analyzes the recharge api rising weekly and daily use of the internet and mobile news that occurred from 2005 to 2011. The general results of SOM surveys are reported in Figure 1.

As for novelty use in mobile, so the total percentage of users in Sweden seven percent in 2005, and since then there has been a continual increase. This increase was recharge api initially quite modest, but has recently become increasingly powerful, both in terms of the use of news that Internet Mobile.

It should be noted that while there was an intensification of use, which involves, among actual users as increased frequency in use. In 2011 there was a significant breakthrough compared to previous years.

A year when the total proportion of users of the Internet on recharge api mobile phones reached 44 per cent and the corresponding figure for mobile news was 37 percent.

If you take into consideration

These changes, we still have only seen the beginning of, and are of both a positive and negative nature. Undoubtedly, there is a major shift in the media landscape right in front of us.

It's a shift that involves different groups of Swedes in recharge api varying degrees. Is developing media and news habits that are different compared to previous terms of both content and time. This chapter refers to shed light on the general pattern of development over time in the use of mobile phones.

For internet-based information and communication, and analyzing different groups with a focus on everyday practices. More specifically, the analysis focuses how mobile is used for internet.

News, social media, search for recharge api information, e-mail and Internet-based video services. In the industry and the technically oriented mobile research has it all since the 1990s worked against the cell phone to be used for Internet-based information and communication.

It has been since the millennium has been possible to access Internet-based information via mobiles, a possibility that over the years become increasingly sophisticated. For many years there was in most countries a significant between possession recharge api of mobiles with features for internet and the use of these.

This discrepancy between vision and reality has bottomed in that it takes more than the possession of a mobile phone capable of using the Internet for people to use it for this.

Since around 2008-2009, it has been noted an recharge api increasing use in several countries, including Sweden. For instance, showed an international comparative study conducted in 2010 that it was only in Poland and Portugal (among the study's 16 countries around the world) that the percentage of users of the internet via mobile phones were below 20 percent.

Meanwhile, the touch screen mobiles with apps were available, which are usually referred to as smart phones, so the percentage of users of the internet and mobile news basically at the same level.

This is related to the news media has invested some resources on developing mobile news sites. This trend has continued, as shown by studies on the supply of news sites and apps for mobiles in Sweden, as a broader international context.

It is also clear that the use of mobile news has accelerated if, for example, refers to various American studies conducted. A clear strength with the recharge api annual RiksSOM surveys is that they, unlike the majority of international studies, enabling analyzes of patterns over time.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

Relating to customer

TDC is entitled to charge for the additional costs involved. TDC by contractual recharge api or later require advance payment of the subscription fee for the agreed period of, see. Payment is in Danish kroner.

On delayed payment TDC eligible to levied ve interest from the due date until payment is made, and otherwise in accordance with the Act on Interest. TDC is also entitled to've fee levied by sending reminders.

TDC is entitled to the same bill to charge contracts for other telecommunications services offered by TDC and for other services, including services provided by third parties, where TDC handles the collection on their behalf.

May, after informing the customer accordingly allow third parties, recharge api including other companies in the TDC group, perform the collection of payment for services covered by these terms and other services provided by TDC.

If the customer only partial pay a bill containing several claims without specifying what payment concerns, amortized payment proportionately on the individual claims.

Electronic bill customer may choose to receive bills electronically. If the customer elects to receive bills electronically, the following provisions apply: If the customer is a private customer or small business customer, see.

The customer can choose between four types of electronic bill: Invoice via email: TDC shall send the bill to the customer by e-mail to the e-mail address, as agreed with the customer, see.

Section bill attached to the email as a PDF file. Bill through TDC's website: TDC forward notification to the customer via e-mail, when the electronic bill is available on TDC's website. The email sent to the email address, as agreed with the customer, see.

Section customer gets access to the electronic bill of TDC's website by creating access to electronic self-referred. Customer data exchange with TDC via the website shall be encrypted through a secure connection.

On the website, the customer can access both tariff divided expense as itemized bill. Billing via: TDC shall forward the bill to the customer via the customer's, see. Terms of Use found on.

TDC recommends the customer via sign up notifications via email when there are new messages in the customer's e-box. If the customer is recharge api the corporate but not less- the customer may by agreement with TDC choose between four types of electronic bill.

Invoice via email: TDC shall send the bill to the customer by e-mail to the e-mail address, as agreed with the customer, see. Bill submitted in an agreed format. Invoice via EDI: TDC recharge api delivers the bill through the so-called VANS network. EDI requires that the customer has recharge api a connection to a VANS provider.